Services Provided
Designed and pre-tested comprehensive quantitative and qualitative research instrument ( survey questionnaires and FGD guide) for women, district government officers/key informants, program staff and other key stakeholders , ; finalized sampling strategy for selected districts across Pakistan; hired and trained the field staff and undertook data collection through household survey, FGD, one-to-one expert and key informant interviews, put in place monitoring and quality assurance mechanisms, carried out data editing, software development, entry, cleaning and analysis. Based on survey and FGD findings, identified current mechanism for women to obtain skills and additional skills required; provided sector-wise and region-wise analysis on female employment, occupation, skills and income generation capacities, Applied various economic and statistical techniques to determine findings related to employed, unemployed and inactive women. Analysis focused upon determining push and pull factors which enable or restrict women to participate in the labour force; in addition, aspects related to the working environment were also explored. Prepared draft & final reports.