Services Provided
The project development and implementation has been divided into two phases, (i) Design and Appraisal phase and (ii) Implementation phase. Semiotics has been selected through competitive bidding to appraise and design this project, and then implement the project over five years. Semiotics is responsible for managing all the TAs involving identification of TAs requirement, writing terms of reference, recruiting consultants, briefing and debriefing of consultants, providing administrative and logistic support, ensuring quality of deliverables. Semiotics is also responsible for procurement planned under the project to strengthen the informational and knowledge resources. In addition project co-ordination, financial controls, quality control and reporting, including the development of an Annual Work Plan, reporting on progress against the Plans, participating in and providing secretariat services for the Joint Project Steering Committee and consultation and liaison with other donors and the recipient stakeholders is also assigned to Semiotics.